The Carbon Peel is a the ground-breaking, non-invasive, skin rejuvenation treatment that is becoming increasingly popular.
The Carbon Peel is incredibly popular as a quick skin refresher as it doesn’t have the longer downtime associated with other peels or laser procedures (more on that later), it evens skin tone, promotes brightness, fights the signs of ageing, and helps to remove damaged areas of skin…
The short answer is it’s a two-step process that involves applying a layer of liquified carbon over the face and removing it with a laser.
During the first stage of the treatment, a carbon lotion is applied directly to the skin and allowed to deeply penetrate the pores and air dry. You’ll look like you’re wearing a mud mask. This allows the liquified carbon to bond with any debris present within the skin (think: dead skin cells, excess oil, and impurities).
Once the carbon is completely dry, we commence on the second stage using our revolutionary, state of the art Laser with wavelengths allowing you to achieve a truly customisable treatment depending on your needs.
The inbuilt PTP mode ensures maximum comfort and super-fast skin regeneration in each treatment. The laser is passed over the skin and the short light pulse is attracted to the carbon particles which absorb the light energy.
This causes the carbon to ‘explode’ into fine particles and then be absorbed the laser. The by-product of this produces energy which is pushed (in the form of heat) deep into the dermis and destroying any debris from the skin’s surface bonded to it. This controlled thermal damage stimulates elastin, collagen, and fibroblast production to specifically target fine lines and wrinkles, whilst the vaporisation of unwanted debris can be life changing for acne suffers and lighten any existing scarring. Any excess carbon is gently removed after the laser segment allowing you to simply lie back and relax throughout the treatment.
Understandably, with all this talk of explosions and lasers you might think that The Carbon Peel comes with its own pain threshold warning, but thankfully you’d be wrong. The treatment is a completely safe skin treatment free from painful side effects. Many of our clients report experiencing very small pricking sensations and warmth, along with slight audible snapping sounds when the laser is fired.
During the Carbon Peel, the skin receives a deep exfoliation making it more more effective than many other peels on the market. You’ll achieve immediate results, leaving your skin brighter, smoother, and even in tone in as little as 30 minutes. We normally recommend a course of up to 6 treatments (1 a month) for the best results for our clients.
1 hr
65 British pounds